Tips for Making Your Property Social Media Ready

Tips for Making Your Property Social Media Ready

Learn how you can encourage guests to take and share pictures of your hotel.

In today’s day and age, having a strong social media presence could actually make or break your business.  For those in the hospitality business, encouraging your guests to post about your property could drive bookings and encourage new guests to give you a shot.  This is why it’s important to make sure that your property stands out and is photo-ready.  Here are some of the suggestions that you should try to make your hotel social media-worthy.

  • Stunning Views

Some of the most common hotel pictures on social media are guests posting about the amazing views from their room or from other strategic locations on a hotel’s property.  If your hotel is located in a scenic location, then it’s easy to make your property photo-worthy.  Just make sure that guests have unobstructed views of the scenery as much as possible and consider installing more windows to further capitalize on your location.

  • Staged Displays

But what can you do if your hotel isn’t located in a particularly picturesque place?  If this is the case, then you will have to rely on man-made wonders to encourage guests to snap pics of your property.  To make your hotel social media-worthy try creating fun seasonal or holiday-themed displays in your lobby.  You can also focus your attention on decorating communal spaces and outdoor areas in unique ways that will get guests thinking “this will impress by followers” or “I want to remember this.”  Creating areas of visual interest throughout your property is a great way to get guests to post about your hotel.

  • Surprise with Outstanding Service

While hotels should always strive to impress their guests, going out of your way to delight them will make them more likely to post about your hotel on social media and business review sites.  The best way to impress your guests is by personalizing their experience as much as possible.  Oftentimes remembering their names and basic preferences is enough to earn you a positive review.

These are some of the things that you can do to make your property more social media ready.  Are you interested in learning more about the major hotel marketing trends in the industry?  Then get the information you need by meeting and connecting with all the top California lodging professionals at the California Lodging Investment Conference.  Contact us today to learn more about this fantastic informational and networking event.


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