Retailers Are Opening Hotels in an Effort to Build Their Brand
Trends in the retail industry lead to a cross-over with the hospitality industry. From retailers like Tommy Hilfiger and Bulgari to home décor companies like West Elm and Restoration Hardware to fitness brands like Equinox, various companies are using the hospitality industry as an avenue to build their brands. With changing market trends, reaching consumers…
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Learn from Home-Sharing Industry Trends to Better Your Hotel
Discover how hotels can learn from home-sharing trends. With ever-increasing technology, the methods through which people lead their lives have changed. For example, no longer are people taking cab rides, but they’re using rideshare services. The same is true in the hospitality industry. Over the past decade, home-sharing services such as Airbnb have come to…
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Three Hotels to Open in Summer of 2018
The hospitality industry did not wait to take off in Orange County in this new year. Irvine-based Pacifica Hotels announced early this year that it had projected plan of operations toward an iconic hotel in Santa Monica; the Irvine Marriott introduced a redesign; developers of a hotel in San Juan Capistrano reported that it would…
Read Article →7 Hotels Opened in 2016 Throughout Orange County
Orange County has seen a recent spike in hotel growth throughout 2016, so what does 2017 have in store for us? Hotel development in Orange County saw another year of growth and development as many properties opened their doors, changed hands in ownership, or underwent massive renovations in order to become appealing once again. Seven…
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