Making the most of single travelers.
In recent years, the number of people who are traveling alone has increased significantly. When people choose to travel on their own, it changes how they think about booking hotels. Here’s what you can do to ensure that your property appeals to these solo adventurers.
- Sell Your Social Scene
Most solo travelers are interested in meeting other guests. This is why you should make sure your property offers a way for guests to socialize and get to know each other. One way to accomplish this is by packing your calendar with events that invite your guests to gather. Your hotel’s lobby, bar, and lounge should be designed in a way that facilitates mingling and socialization in smaller, more intimate groups.
- Create Communal Spaces
Another great way to appeal to single travelers is by creating communal spaces on your property. For instance, you could create a recreation room with ping-pong tables, foosball, board games, video games, and other types of entertainment. By creating a communal environment that presents more opportunities for guests to socialize, you can reassure solo travelers that they can seek out company whenever they want it.
- Emphasize Safety
More than anything, solo travelers want to feel safe. This is why you should employ extra security measures on your property. For instance, you should have a reception desk that is manned 24/7, secure on-site parking, and roaming security guards. Additionally, you should be flexible about guests’ preferences when it comes to their rooms. For instance, some might request staying on floors that only guests can access, and some may request rooms inside the main hotel or off of the first couple of floors. These kinds of gestures and upgraded security features will appeal to single travelers and make them more likely to book with you.
These are some of the things you can do to capitalize on the growing number of solo travelers. Interested in learning about other major trends in the hospitality industry? Get the information you need by meeting and connecting with all the top California lodging professionals at the California Lodging Investment Conference. Contact us today to learn more about this fantastic informational and networking event.